Mobile Development

Protect and optimize the end-users experience of your mobile apps in real-time, with end-to-end performance monitoring, to ensure that your applications achieve five star ratings and great reviews.

Manage mobile application performance

Track mobile user sessions in real-time and proactively monitor the performance of your iOS and Android mobile apps from a unified perspective

  • Real-time dashboards that show how, when and where users utilize your mobile apps

  • Improve user experience and the overall quality of your mobile app with detailed session analytics for each customer journey

  • See the performance of all business transactions to understand what features or functions need to be enhanced in the next release

  • Correlate code issues with mobile app screenshots to see what users are doing when issues happen.

Automatically detect mobile application crashes

Get deep code level visibility to identify and resolve crashes and errors quickly and efficiently

  • Proactively monitor crashes and user context with real-time crash trending to identify and fix recurring problems and compare releases over time

  • Leverage detailed stack traces and bread crumbs to pinpoint the root cause of crashes and errors

  • View all user sessions by crash instance and quickly triage the how the user journey was impacted

Understand mobile application usage patterns

Get detailed visibility into usage across devices, networks, OSs, connection types and app versions in real-time in optimize future development

  • See the geographic distribution of your users and the load plus response times by location and region

  • Set info points to understand performance of specific sections, methods, or functions/API calls of your application

  • Leverage detailed user context to pinpoint and resolve issues faster


“It was simple to deploy. It took minutes, literally. On our first proof-of-concept, we saw results within an hour.”

Eric Poon, Director of Operations Analytics, Nasdaq

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