.NET Remoting Service .NET


.NET Remoting is an API designed to manage inter-process communication (IPC), where data is swapped among multiple threads in various processes. It was released in tandem with .NET Framework 1.0 back in 2002. Microsoft downgraded .NET Remoting to legacy technology status when it released version 3.0 of .NET Framework and has since recommended developers use WCF (Windows Communications Foundation) to build distributed applications.

Unlike WCF, which can be used by different languages and platforms, .NET Remoting works only in a homogenous .NET environment. Moreover, .NET Remoting cannot utilize modern protocols like SOAP or MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing), among other limitations. Microsoft maintains information about .NET Remoting for backward compatibility with existing applications.

.NET Remoting

For developers and operations teams building and managing applications with .NET Remoting, the AppDynamics platform provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing the performance of your .NET applications. With rapid installation and the most scalable architecture in the industry, AppDynamics solutions help you deploy your applications more quickly and with more confidence.

.NET Remoting application flow map

In this example, AppDynamics auto-discovers an ASP.NET tier and 5 backends. SunriseSoftech- Home is making a .NET Remoting call. The flow map shows the communication as the average number of calls per minute the tier is making for a .NET Remoting call and the average response time for a single call.

.NET Remoting transaction snapshots

AppDynamics takes transaction snapshots which contains diagnostic data to help you quickly analyze and troubleshoot problems with .NET Remoting and other types of business transactions.

.NET Remoting call graph

Drill down into a transaction snapshot to display the call graph. The call graph displays the code execution sequence timing, so you can identify which methods have problems. In this example, The System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink: SyncProcessMessage method is taking 1 milliseconds, 0,4% of the time for the .NET Remoting exit call.

.NET Remoting remote services dashboard

.NET Remoting calls are detected under remote services. This section describes about the type of call, calls/min, response time etc. In this example, there is a .Net Remoting call with 58 calls/min, 1 ms response time and 1610 calls.

.NET Remoting backend performance

AppDynamics collects metrics backend performance (.NET Remoting in this case) of ASP.NET applications. Use the metric browser to create graphs of critical statistics. The graph below shows calls per minute (in green), average response time (in blue) and number of errors per minute (red).In this example, it shows that there were no error fund during the time range, average response time was maximum at 1:32am and 1:34 am and calls/min was least at 2:44 am.

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