Top 6 performance challenges in managing microservices in a Hybrid Cloud
Microservices architectures are an increasingly popular style of enterprise application development, where applications are comprised of fine-grained components or services developed and operated by smaller teams, instead of monolithic code bases. However, they can yield hundreds, or even thousands, of microservices, introducing new challenges in both deployment management and microservices performance.
Top 6 performance challenges in managing microservices in a Hybrid Cloud
Microservices architectures are an increasingly popular style of enterprise application development, where applications are comprised of fine-grained components or services developed and operated by smaller teams, instead of monolithic code bases. However, they can yield hundreds, or even thousands, of microservices, introducing new challenges in both deployment management and microservices performance.
This paper reviews the six challenges and best practices in managing microservice performance:
- Individual microservices in a fully integrated application
- Collective management of a multitude of microservices across an application
- Holistic business transaction performance reliant on microservices
- Performance management of microservices in a new elastic world
- Hybrid cloud environments and microservices
- Container management