Apache CXF is an open-source services framework designed to develop and build services. CXF works by leveraging front-end programming APIs like JAX-WS and JAX-RS, while keeping them cleanly separated from core code. These services can interact with an assortment of protocols, including SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP, and CORBA and work over multiple transports, including HTTP, JMS or JBI. In addition, CXF can bind service operations to arbitrary URL/verb combinations and support a variety of web service specifications including WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Security.
CXF also offers the ability to deploy services in Jetty-, Tomcat-, and Spring-based containers and Java EE integration. For developers and operations teams building and managing applications built on the Apache CXF framework, the AppDynamics platform provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing the performance of your Java applications. With rapid installation and the most scalable architecture in the industry, AppDynamics solutions help you deploy your applications more quickly and with more confidence.
Monitor business transactions on Apache CXF
A CXF applications, instrumented with AppDynamics Java agents, are auto-discovered and shows up in AppDynamics. Business transactions are automatically discovered with out-of-the-box configurations as seen in the application dashboard.
Sample CXF business transaction
Detailed CXF call graph
Continuing from the sample above, drilling down into the 'RequestServer' shows various detailed information about the CXF web service calls including a call graph where users can inspect the actual calls and timings of each call within their application code.
CXF metrics aggregation
AppDynamics captures information on CXF communications as metrics for average response time, calls per minute and errors per minute. These metrics are also aggregated into node, tier, and application level along with other types of transactions, if any, to give users a CXF overall performance status at each of those levels.