For developers and operations teams building and managing applications that use async transactions (including HTTP, WCF, MSMQ, MVC 4 and MVC 5 async calls) the AppDynamics platform provides a comprehensive solution for monitoring and managing the performance of your .NET applications. With rapid installation and the most scalable architecture in the industry, AppDynamics solutions help you deploy your applications more quickly and with more confidence.
Async Monitoring Model
The Async Monitoring Model is a new pattern introduced in .NET Framework 4.5 that provides developers with a simple way to execute asynchronous operations. Using two keywords, "async" and "await," developers may configure certain processes to run asynchronously, allowing a user may to interact with the app while that lengthy or complex process, is running. Async Monitoring also enables web applications to handle multiple requests from different users in real time. As a result, developers can build scalable, better performing applications with minimal hassle.
Automatic application discovery
Automatically discover the entire topology of your .NET application and enable your team to spend time on innovation instead of configuration.
Display key performance indicators
Gain a real-time view of your .NET application’s entire health by monitoring load, average, response time and error rate for the application, and dynamic baselines for all of these values to show what's normal vs abnormal.
Distributed call graphs
Follow a user request as it traverses your distributed application and collect end-to-end code execution and latency data to provide context required to isolate root cause quickly.
Real-time business metrics
Correlate .NET application performance metrics to the metrics that matter most to your business and get real-time insight when performance deviates from the baseline.
Monitor infrastructure metrics
Get a single view of your system resources on any machine by collecting and monitoring performance metrics like CPU utilization, RAM utilization, and memory in heap.