No application is the same. Some legacy apps were built in a monolithic environment built on a homogeneous language, say Java or .NET. As environments become more distributed, and technology has innovated to a near-breaking speed, application architectures tend to be built using a multitude of languages often leveraging the more dynamic languages for specific use cases.
Luckily, these distributed and extremely complex environments are where AppDynamics thrives with monitoring. AppDynamics supports Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, C/C++, and any combination of them — fitting nearly any environment.
After speaking with several customers and analyzing their performance, we’ve compiled a list of the most common performance problems for each language and the performance metrics to help measure your application health.
Below, we’ve compiled a brief summary of our findings and link to the full analysis in the respective complimentary eBooks.
Top Java Performance Metrics
Java remains one of the most widely used technology languages in enterprise applications. However, though it’s so widespread, it’s a clunky legacy language that can often have performance issues.
Along with monitoring external dependencies, garbage collection, and having a solid caching strategy, it’s important to measure business transactions. We define a business transaction as any end-user interaction with the application. These could include adding something to a cart, logging in, or any other interaction. It’s vital to measure the response times of these transactions to understand fully your user experience. If a response time takes longer than the norm, it’s important to get this resolved as quickly as possible to maintain optimal user experience.
Read the full eBook, Top 5 Java Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks here.
Top .NET Performance Metrics
There are times in your application code when you want to ensure that only a single thread can execute a subset of code at a time. Examples include accessing shared software resources, such as a single threaded rule execution component, and shared infrastructure resources, such as a file handle or a network connection. The .NET framework provides different types of synchronization strategies, including locks/monitors, inter-process mutexes, and specialized locks like the Reader/Writer lock.
Regardless of why you have to synchronize your code or of the mechanism you choose to synchronize your code, you are left with a problem: there is a portion of your code that can only be executed by one thread at a time.
In addition to synchronization and locking, make sure to measure excessive or unnecessary logging, code dependencies, and underlying database and infrastructure issues.
Read the full eBook, Top 5 .NET Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks here.
Top PHP Performance Metrics
Your PHP application may be utilizing a backend database, a caching layer, or possibly even a queue server as it offloads I/O intensive blocking tasks onto worker servers to process in the background. Whatever the backend your PHP application interfaces with, the latency to these backend services can affect the performance of your PHP application performance. The various types of internal exit calls may include:
- SQL databases
- NoSQL servers
- In-memory cache
- Internal services
- Queue servers
In some environments, your PHP application may be interfacing with an obscure backend or messaging/queue server. For example, you may have an old message broker serving as an interface between your PHP application and other applications. While this message broker may be outdated, it is nevertheless part of an older architecture and is part of the ecosystem in which your distributed applications communicate with.
Along with monitoring the internal dependencies, make sure you measure your business transaction response time (as described above), external calls, and have an optimal caching strategy with full visibility into your application topography.
Read the full eBook, Top 5 PHP Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks here.
Top Node.js Performance Metrics
In order to understand what metrics to collect surrounding Node.js event loop behavior, it helps to first understand what the event loop actually is and how it can potentially impact your application performance. For illustrative purposes, you may think of the event loop as an infinite loop executing code in a queue. For each iteration within the infinite loop, the event loop executes a block of synchronous code. Node.js – being single-threaded and non-blocking – will then pick up the next block of code, or tick, waiting in the queue as it continue to execute more code. Although it is a non-blocking model, various events that potentially could be considered blocking include:
- Accessing a file on disk
- Querying a database
- Requesting data from a remote webservice
With Javascript (the language of Node.js), you can perform all your I/O operations with the advantage of callbacks. This provides the advantage of the execution stream moving on to execute other code while your I/O is performing in the background. Node.js will execute the code awaiting in the Event Queue, execute it on a thread from the available thread pool, and then move on to the next code in queue. As soon as your code is completed, it then returns and the callback is instructed to execute additional code as it eventually completes the entire transaction.
In addition to event loops, make sure to monitor external dependencies, memory leaks, business transaction response time, and have a full and complete view of your application topography.
Read the full eBook, Top 5 Node.js Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks here.
Top Python Performance Metrics
It is always faster to serve an object from memory than it is to make a network call to retrieve the object from a system like a database; caches provide a mechanism for storing object instances locally to avoid this network round trip. But caches can present their own performance challenges if they are not properly configured. Common caching problems include:
- Loading too much data into the cache
- Not properly sizing the cache
When measuring the performance of a cache, you need to identify the number of objects loaded into the cache and then track the percentage of those objects that are being used. The key metrics to look at are the cache hit ratio and the number of objects that are being ejected from the cache. The cache hit count, or hit ratio, reports the number of object requests that are served from cache rather than requiring a network trip to retrieve the object. If the cache is huge, the hit ratio is tiny (under 10% or 20%), and you are not seeing many objects ejected from the cache then this is an indicator that you are loading too much data into the cache. In other words, your cache is large enough that it is not thrashing (see below) and contains a lot of data that is not being used.
In addition to measure your caching, also, monitor your external calls, application visibility, and internal dependencies.
In addition to measure your caching, also monitor your external calls, application visibility, and internal dependencies.
Read the full eBook, Top 5 Python Performance Metrics, Tips & Tricks here.
To recap, if you’d like to read our language-specific best practices, please click on one of the links below: