In my previous blog we explored some of the best and worst practices of Docker, taking a hands-on approach to refactoring an application, always with containers and monitoring in mind. In that project, we chose to use physical agents from the Appdynamics download site as our monitoring method. But this time we are going to take things one step further: using images from the Docker Store to improve the same application.
Modern applications are very complex, of course, and we will show the three most common ways to use AppDynamics Docker Store Images to monitor your app, all while adhering to Docker best practices. We will continue to use this repo and move between the “master” and “docker-store-images” branches. If you haven’t read my previous post, I recommend doing so first, as we will build on the source code used there.
First Things First: The Image
Over at the AppDynamics page on the Docker Store (login required), we have three types of images for Java applications, each with our agents on them. In this project, we will work solely with the Machine Agent and Java images but, in principle, the scenarios and implementations are language-agnostic. The images are based on OpenJDK, Tomcat, and Jetty. Since our application uses Tomcat, we will use that image. (store/appdynamics/java:
You can see how every image is versioned with (store/appdynamics<language>:<agent-version>_<server-runtime environment>).
By inspecting the image <docker inspect store/appdynamics/java:>, we are able verify important environmental variables, including the fact that we’re running Java 8. We’re also able to identify the JAVA_HOME variable, which will play an important role (more on this below). Furthermore, we can verify that Tomcat is installed with the correct versions and paths. Lastly, we notice the command to start the agent is simply the run command. On startup, the image runs Tomcat and the agent. (This is important to note as we dive deeper.)
Lastly, if you plan to use a third-party image in your production application, the image must be trusted. This means it must not modify any other containers at runtime. Having the OS level agent force itself into a containerized app—and intrusively modify code at runtime—defeats one of the main advantages of containerization: the ability to run the container anywhere without worrying about how your code executes. Always keep this in mind when evaluating container monitoring software. (AppDynamics’ images pass this test, by the way.)
Here are the three most practical migrations you’re likely to face:
Scenario 1: A Perfect World
This is the best case scenario, but also the least practical. In a perfect world, we’d be able to pull the image as a top layer, pass in only environment variables, and see our application discovered within minutes. However in our situation, we can’t do this because we have a custom startup script that we want to have run when our container starts. In this example, we’ve chosen to use Dockerize ( to simplify the process of converting our application to use Docker, but of course there are many situations where you might need some custom start logic in your containers. If you’re not using Dockerize in your script, simply pull the image and pass in the environment variables that name the individual components. Since the agents run on startup, this method will be seamless.
Scenario 2: Install Tomcat
Ideally, we’d like to make as few changes as possible. The problem here is that we have a unique startup script that needs to run when each project is started. In this scenario, your workaround is to use the agent image that doesn’t have Tomcat—in other words, use store/appdynamics/java: and install Tomcat on the image. With this approach, you remove the overlapping start commands and top-level agent. The downside is reinstalling Tomcat on every image rebuild.
Scenario 3: Refactor Start Script
Here’s the most common scenario when migrating from a physical agent—and one we found ourselves in. A specific run script brings up all of your applications. Refactoring your apps to pull from the image and start your application would be too time consuming, and would ask too much of the customer. The solution: Combine the two start scripts.
In our scenario, we had a directory responsible for the server, and another responsible for downloading and installing the agents. Since we were using Tomcat, we decided to leverage the image with Tomcat and our monitoring software, which was already installed <store/appdynamics/java:>. (We went with the official Tomcat image because it’s the one used by the AppDynamics image.)
In our startup script, AD-Capital-Docker/ADCapital-Tomcat/, we used Dockerize to spin up all the services. You’ll notice that we added a couple of environment variables, ${APPD_JAVAAGENT} and ${APPD_PROPERTIES}, to each start command. In our existing version, these changes enable the script to see if AppD properties are set and, if so, to start the application agent.
The next step was to refactor the startup script to use our new image. (To get the agent start command, simply pull the image, run the container, and run ps -ef at the command line.)
Since Java was installed to a different location, we had to put its path in our start command, replacing “java” with “/docker-java-home/jre/bin/java”. This approach allowed us to ensure that our application was using the Java provided from the image.
Next, we needed to make sure we were starting the services using Tomcat, and with the start command from the AppDynamics agent image. By using the command from above, we were able to replace our Catalina startup:
-cp ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/bootstrap.jar:${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap
…with the agent startup:
-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/usr/local/tomcat/conf/ -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources -javaagent:/opt/appdynamics/javaagent.jar -classpath /usr/local/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/usr/local/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/usr/local/tomcat org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
If you look closely, though, not all of the services were using Tomcat on startup. The last two services simply needed to start the agent. By using the same environment variable (APPD_JAVA_AGENT), we were able to rename that variable (APPD_JAVA_AGENT) to be the path of the agent jar. And with that, we had our new startup script.
[ (AFTER)]
Not only did this approach allow us to get rid of our AppDynamics directory, it also enabled a seamless transition to monitoring via Docker images.