Deploying AppDynamics Agents to OpenShift Using Init Containers

September 12 2018

Ready to deploy an AppD application agent to OpenShift? These detailed examples show you how.

There are several ways to instrument an application on OpenShift with an AppDynamics application agent. The most straightforward way is to embed the agent into the main application image. (For more on this topic, read my blog Monitoring Kubernetes and OpenShift with AppDynamics.)

Let’s consider a Node.js app. All you need to do is to add a require reference to the agent libraries and pass the necessary information on the controller. The reference itself becomes a part of the app and will be embedded in the image. The list of variables (e.g., controller host name, app/tier name, license) the agent needs to communicate with the controller can be embedded, though it is best practice to pass them into the app on initialization as configurable environmental variables.

In the world of Kubernetes (K8s) and OpenShift, this task is accomplished with config maps and secrets. Config maps are reusable key value stores that can be made accessible to one or more applications. Secrets are very similar to config maps with an additional capability to obfuscate key values. When you create a secret, K8s automatically encodes the value of the key as a base64 string. Now the actual value is not visible, and you are protected from people looking over your shoulder. When the key is requested by the app, Kubernetes automatically decodes the value. Secrets can be used to store any sensitive data such as license keys, passwords, and so on. In our example below, we use a secret to store the license key.

Here is an example of AppD instrumentation where the agent is embedded, and the configurable values are passed as environment variables by means of a configMap, a secret and the pod spec.

var appDobj = {
   controllerHostName: process.env[‘CONTROLLER_HOST’],
   controllerPort: CONTROLLER_PORT,
   controllerSslEnabled: true,
accountName: process.env[‘ACCOUNT_NAME’],
   accountAccessKey: process.env[‘ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY’],
   applicationName: process.env[‘APPLICATION_NAME’],
   tierName: process.env[‘TIER_NAME’],
   nodeName: ‘process’

Pod Spec
– env:
   – name: TIER_NAME
     value: MyAppTier
         key: appd-key
         name: appd-secret
     – configMapRef:
         name: controller-config

A ConfigMap with AppD variables.

AppD license key stored as secret.

The Init Container Route: Best Practice

The straightforward way is not always the best. Application developers may want to avoid embedding a “foreign object” into the app images for a number of good reasons—for example, image size, granularity of testing, or encapsulation. Being developers ourselves, we respect that and offer an alternative, a less intrusive way of instrumentation. The Kubernetes way.

An init container is a design feature in Kubernetes that allows decoupling of app logic from any type of initialization routine, such as monitoring, in our case. While the main app container lives for the entire duration of the pod, the lifespan of the init container is much shorter. The init container does the required prep work before orchestration of the main container begins. Once the initialization is complete, the init container exists and the main container is started. This way the init container does not run parallel to the main container as, for example, a sidecar container would. However, like a sidecar container, the init container, while still active, has access to the ephemeral storage of the pod.

We use this ability to share storage between the init container and the main container to inject the AppDynamics agent into the app. Our init container image, in its simplest form, can be described with this Dockerfile:

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
RUN apk add –no-cache bash gawk sed grep bc coreutils
RUN mkdir -p /sharedFiles/AppServerAgent
ADD /sharedFiles/
RUN unzip /sharedFiles/ -d /sharedFiles/
AppServerAgent /
CMD [“tail”, “-f”, “/dev/null”]

The above example assumes you have already downloaded the archive with AppDynamics app agent binaries locally. When the container is initialized, it unzips the binaries into a new directory. To the pod spec, we then add a directive that copies the directory with the agent binaries to a shared volume on the pod:

     – name: agent-repo
       image: agent-repo:x.x.x
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       command: [“cp”,  “-r”,  “/sharedFiles/AppServerAgent”,  /mountpath/AppServerAgent”]
       – mountPath: /mountPath
         name: shared-files
       – name: shared-files
         emptyDir: {}
     serviceAccountName: my-account

After the init container exits, the AppDynamics agent binaries are waiting for the application to be picked up from the shared volume on the pod.

Let’s assume we are deploying a Java app, one normally initialized via a script that calls the java command with Java options. The script,, may look like this:

JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName=$TIER_NAME”
JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName=true -Dappdynamics.agent.reuse.nodeName.prefix=$TIER_NAME”
-Dappdynamics.controller.hostName=$CONTROLLER_HOST -Dappdynamics.controller.port=$CONTROLLER_PORT -Dappdynamics.controller.ssl.enabled=$CONTROLLER_SSL_ENABLED”
JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Dappdynamics.agent.accountName=$ACCOUNT_NAME -Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey=$ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY -Dappdynamics.agent.applicationName=$APPLICATION_NAME”
JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Dappdynamics.socket.collection.bci.enable=true”
JAVA_OPTS=”$JAVA_OPTS -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m”

$JAVA_OPTS -jar myapp.jar

It is embedded into the image and invoked via Docker’s ENTRYPOINT directive when the container starts.

FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
RUN chmod +x
ADD myapp.jar /usr/src/myapp.jar
ENTRYPOINT [“/bin/sh”, “”]

To make the consumption of more flexible and Kubernetes-friendly, we can trim it down to this:

#a more flexible
java $JAVA_OPTS -jar myapp.jar

And declare all the necessary Java options in the spec as a single environmental variable.

       – name: my-app
         image: my-app-image:x.x.x
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
           privileged: true
           – configMapRef:
               name: controller-config
           – name: ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY
                 key: appd-key
name: appd-secret
-name: JAVA_OPTS
  value: “ -javaagent:/sharedFiles/AppServerAgent/javaagent.jar
         -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
         – containerPort: 8080
           – mountPath: /sharedFiles
             name: shared-files

The dynamic values for the Java options are populated from the ConfigMap. First, we reference the entire configMap, where all shared values are defined:

           – configMapRef:
               name: controller-config

We also reference our secret as a separate environmental variable. Then, using the $() notation, we can reference the individual variables in order to concatenate the value of the JAVA_OPTS variable.

Thanks to these Kubernetes features (init containers, configMaps, secrets), we can add AppDynamics monitoring into an existing app in a noninvasive way, without the need to rebuild the image.

This approach has multiple benefits. The app image remains unchanged in terms of size and encapsulation. From a Kubernetes perspective, no extra processing is added, as the init container exits before the main container starts. There is added flexibility in what can be passed into the application initialization routine without the need to modify the image.

Note that OpenShift does not allow running Docker containers as user root by default. If you must (for whatever good reason), add the service account you use for deployments to the anyuid SCC. Assuming your service account is my-account, as in the provided examples, run this command:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z myaccount

Here’s an example of a complete app spec with AppD instrumentation:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
 name: my-app
 replicas: 1
       name: my-app
     – name: agent-repo
       image: agent-repo:x.x.x
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       command: [“cp”,  “-r”,  “/sharedFiles/AppServerAgent”,  “/mountPath/AppServerAgent”]
       – mountPath: /mountPath
         name: shared-files
       – name: shared-files
         emptyDir: {}
     serviceAccountName: my-account
       – name: my-app
         image: my-service
         imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
           – configMapRef:
               name: controller-config
           – name: TIER_NAME
             value: WebTier
           – name: ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY
                 key: appd-key
                 name: appd-key-secret
           – name: JAVA_OPTS
              value: ”
                  -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
                          – containerPort: 8080
                             – mountPath: /sharedFiles
                               name: shared-files
                    restartPolicy: Always

Learn more about how AppDynamics can help monitor your applications on Kubernetes and OpenShift.

Sasha Jeltuhin
Sasha Jeltuhin is a Manager of Technical Sales Enablement at AppDynamics, charged with helping internal sales and partners better leverage AppDynamics products in the context of hybrid clouds and container technologies. Prior to AppDynamics, Sasha served as CTO at a number of start-ups, building high-transaction SaaS platforms. Sasha has also been featured as an invited speaker at various technology events, including multiple Gartner conferences.

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